Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Great Canadian Pickleball Wars

There is currently a battle raging in Canada between two organizations, Pickleball Canada Association and a newly formed group out of Calgary, Canada Pickleball Association.

One might very well ask two questions:   why are there two separate groups vying to represent pickleball across Canada and why is there so much animosity between the two?

A brief history of pickleball in Canada is in order.  Five founding members formed Pickleball Canada in 2009.  The object of the association was to increase awareness of pickleball across Canada through demos, radio, TV interviews and a monthly Pickleball Canada Newsletter.  Membership grew through 2009 and into 2010 to 300 members across Canada.

In 2010 the founding members stepped aside in favor of a Board of Directors, who would create a set of Bylaws and establish the mission to promote the sport and spread the opportunity for players to find places to play.  That mission is still evident to this day.  Pickleball Canada offers guides and instruction materials on the game and does not charge for training or associated materials.

In the fall of 2010 Mr. Brent Johner of the Oakridge Racquet Club in Calgary requested that Pickleball Canada sanction what was to be billed as the Canadian National Pickleball Championships to be held in Calgary in July 2011.  Mr. Johner’s group does not support the International Federation of Pickleball (IFP) or the USAPA rules concerning paddle material specifications. They insisted that the tournament be open to all people and all paddles.  Mr. Johner is a promoter and retailer of the Apike and Hush paddles and sells these paddles through his many web sites including www.okpickleball.ca and http://clubhouse.racquetnetwork.com/proshop/products/category/pickleball/

An Annual General Meeting of Pickleball Canada was held in February 2011 in Arizona, where many of the board members reside during the winter months. At that time Mr. Johner made an unsuccessful bid to be elected to the Board of Directors of Pickleball Canada.  Also at that meeting a motion was passed to adopt the International Federation of Pickleball Rules and USAPA Rules that include the guidelines on paddles.  See Paddle Material Specifications. 

Upon learning of the vote to accept the IFP Rules, Mr. Johner took three actions:  he denounced the decision to standardize the rules for all sanctioned tournament play in Canada; he dropped the Pickleball Canada sanctioning for what was now his Canadian National Pickleball Championship Tournament; and he announced that his tournament would be open to all paddles, but not all players.  He disallowed all US player participation, even those that had previously registered.

Since that time Mr. Johner, along with Chuck Lefaive from British Columbia and Marcel Lemieux from Quebec (who by the way were two of the founding members), have waged a war against Pickleball Canada.  It is interesting to note that of the five original founding members, three have chosen to remain on Pickleball Canada’s Board of Directors.  They are Bev Butt, Wayne Roswell and Bill Franzman. 

One of the first volleys was to officially register the name Canada Pickleball Association with Corporations Canada, even though the name they chose closely matches the existing Pickleball Canada Association brand that had been in existence for over 2 years.  Next the upstart group offered free memberships to attract new members hoping, I suspect, to legitimize their claim to be a bona fide association and not just a vehicle to sell Apike paddles.  All new members must take the “Players’s Pledge” that includes the words “--- respect every player’s right to choose their own paddle.”

Their web site has included articles such as “Study Stated Apike Pickleball Paddle Safe”.  Interestingly enough, there seems to be some disagreement between the two gentlemen relative to Apike performance.  Chuck Lefaive has long insisted that the Apike is no different from any other paddle when it comes to the speed it can produce or the spin it can apply to the ball.  Mr. Johner, on the other hand, states in his article that, depending on the level of player, there can be up to a 10% increase in the speed at which the ball can be propelled with an Apike.  He also states in his article “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Apike?” “Some prefer it (the Apike) because it offers (and delivers) superior spin and control”. These admissions are very interesting considering that the promoters of the Apike have long shied away from admitting there is any advantage when it comes to velocity or spin.  I wonder if Mr. Johner vetted his remarks through Frank Wu (the designer) or Chuck Lefaive?  Obviously, they have failed to get their story straight.

So, the battle will continue between the two groups.  On one hand you have the founding organization, Pickleball Canada, a non-profit organization whose primary goal is to promote the sport and provide free training tools to all.  On the other hand you have the new association, Canada Pickleball, a for-profit group that promotes and sells Apike and Hush paddles and charges considerable fees for teaching pickleball and hosting tournaments.  I was amazed at the cost for lessons that Mr. Johner is charging through his Racquet Network site.  Check it out for yourself at Pickleball Lessons in Calgary.  Mr. Johner’s Canadian National Pickleball Championship costs $65.00 per event, fairly pricey if you play in 2 or 3 events.

Mr. Johner and Canada Pickleball do not believe in volunteer pickleball programs.  He does believe in making money.  The only way to grow pickleball, in his estimation, is to make a business out of the sport.  He states, “In general, volunteer-run programs work only where very special (and rare) volunteers can be found to make them work. In the absence of such a special person, there has to be an economic motive for somebody else to make it grow. It doesn’t matter if that person is a facility manager, a program leader, a racquet dealer, a teaching pro or a club owner. The sport will grow successfully only in those areas where somebody earns income by making it grow.”  Furthermore, he believes the only way to grow our sport is to pay professionals to organize the game. “At the end of the day, pickleball is like any other sport. It has to pay both its court costs and the wages of the people doing the work. If it is unable to do this, pickleball will not be taken seriously by facility managers and will eventually be pushed aside by other sports who are able to pay their way. Equally important, though, is that pickleball will not be taken seriously by the players if the fee structures are unsustainable. The most important thing I have learned as the Executive Director for Racquet Network is this: FREE PROGRAMS ATTRACT FREE RIDERS.  It is impossible to build anything sustainable around free riders.”

Let me make something very clear.  Pickleball Canada did not ban the use of the Apike and Hush paddles for everyday use.  If one chooses to play with an Apike or Hush paddle, that’s up to the individual.  What Pickleball Canada maintains is that only approved paddles can be used in Pickleball Canada Sanctioned Tournaments. 

Personally, I have chosen not to use them and I try not to play in any tournament where they are allowed.  I don’t even like to play against them at the recreational level and avoid doing so whenever possible. Both the Apike and Hush paddles provide an unfair advantage to those that use them.

In conclusion, my opinion as a proud member of both Pickleball Canada and the USAPA, is that Mr. Johner is manipulating and manhandling the sport I love so dearly in order to market his products and services.  He is using Canada Pickleball to promote that agenda.  In addition, Mr. Johner and Chuck Lefaive have put profits ahead of the sport, and, frankly, I find their attack on Pickleball Canada, the original legitimate organization, self serving and distasteful. 

All of us true patrons of the sport hope that in the coming months we can put an end to this debate and get on with promoting the true sport of pickleball here in Canada.

Competitive Pickleball - Wednesday June 1st At Cloverdale

Hello Everyone, Wednesday's pickleball for the competitive group will be at Cloverdale from 1:00 - 3:00 PM  Let's hope we have a good turnout and a chance to get in some great games.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Monday May 30th - Pickleball

Hello everyone.  We had a very good turnout at Cloverdale this past Friday.  We had three courts going pretty much non-stop with some excellent play.  It was great to see Bill Copeland and Reg Skinner out on the courts.  Maybe we'll see more of them in the coming weeks if we can pry them off the tennis courts.

Monday's pickleball will be at SSRC from 11:00-1:00 PM and then for those who still want more play Cloverdale begins at 2:00-4:00.

Hope to see you all there and of course, have a great weekend.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday May 25th Pickleball

Hello everyone, today's pickleball will be at Cloverdale Recreation Centre starting at 1:00 PM  We look forward to a good turnout.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pickleball Canada Supports DREAMS Spring Break Programs

"In gracious recognition of Pickleball Canada Association for their  generous support of the DREAMS Spring Break Programs in the Surrey School  District, signed by Laurae McNally, Chair, Board of School Trustees, School  District No. 38 (Surrey), April 4, 2011"
During this Spring Break Program, Dave, Shirley, Mike Shepherd and  Herb Peters gave free Pickleball instructions to approximately 180  students at five schools in Surrey, B.C.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Palm Creek Pickleball Tournament 2011 Video

Hi folks, here's a great video courtesy of Caryn McComas who attended our tournament in March and put together this video with the help of her daughter, Lacy.  Turn up the volume and enjoy.

Palm Creek 8th Annual Tournament Video

Victoria Pickleball Tournament - Response to Apike Question

As promised, here's the response I received from James Guzzo who I suspect is on the Victoria Tournament committee.

Hi Colin,

Thank you for your e-mail. The Apike and Hush paddles will be allowed in the upcoming Victoria tournament. We want this event to be as inclusive as possible given its recreation and social character. Most players around here who use these paddles do so for orthopedic reasons, finding them much less stressful on wrists and elbows. I know a number who would not be playing pickleball if it weren't for the Apike or Hush paddle and their participation in this wonderful sport with its physical, psychological and social benefits is far more important than scoring more points than one's opponent.

I'm sure there will be many paddle and ball innovations in Pickleball over the next few years but let's hope it always remains the fun and social sport we  love.

James Guzzo

Pickleball Monday May 23rd

Hello Everyone:

I checked with Cloverdale and they couldn’t tell me whether or not they had cancelled pickleball for Monday. It seems that badminton is cancelled but there was no info on pickleball.

I called South Surrey and they are open for business and have extended their hours for 55+ from 11:00 – 2:00.   So, I’m suggesting that we attend at SSRC instead.  I hope that works for everyone.  See you there.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Creekside Recreation Centre - Pickleball in Vancouver

Thanks to Bob and Georgia I was able to attend a training session with the folks at the brand new facility, Creekside Recreation Centre in Vancouver which is situated at the Olympic Village site.

It is a lovely scenic area and I was quite impressed with the caliber of play that is evident after only a short while in operation.  They have a great base from which to draw and with a few pointers the group should be well on their way to becoming very competitive.

I look forward to be able to visit again and see how much improvement has been made.  I also invite them to join us at Cloverdale or South Surrey....but watch out for Chuck, he'll try his hardest to sell you an Apike.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

West Kelowna Pickleball Tournament

On Saturday May 14th, 2011 our friends in Kelowna put on their annual spring Pickleball tournament.  It was a fabulous event, well attended and very well organized.

This was the first big tournament of the season here in BC and we look forward to many more in the coming months.

Thanks to Jim Saunders and his tournament team for putting on a great tournament.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Creekside Recreation Centre - Vancouver

The Creekside Community Recreation Centre has begun a pickleball program and currently hosts drop-in sessions three times a week.  You can visit their web site for schedule and times at:  http://vancouver.ca/parks/cc/creekside/index.htm

It is interesting note that Chuck has been busy already trying to persuade the management team to let him organize training session. Of course he's asked management if they have paddles available for training sessions and I'm sure he'll bring along some for the folks to try. 

Shirley Shepherd and I have indicated that we'd be happy to drop in and offer FREE suggestions on training or just to let people know about the rules and techniques of the game.  We hope to organize something for next Tuesday or Thursday. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Competitive Players Schedule - Wednesday May 11th, 2011

Play for the competitive Surrey "Cut-throats" will be at Cloverdale Rec Centre this Wednesday May 11, 2011 from 1:00-3:00 PM

We are all looking forward to some great games and some great SLAMS...bring your full body armour.

Victoria Pickleball Tournament

I recently received a poster for the upcoming tournament on Vancouver Island at the Saanich Commonwealth Place on June 4 & 5, 2011.  The poster indicated that "Official Pickleball Rules Apply". I also received a copy of an email from Chuck Lefaive that indicated that all paddles would be welcome.  I took the opportunity to email the tournament director, Susan Guest, to ask for clarification.  Here's the email I sent.

Dear Ms.  Guest:

I have received a copy of your email to Chuck Lefaive through  Bill Franzman of Pickleball Canada‚s Board of Directors and I‚d appreciate if  you could clarify the rules of your tournament.  Your poster states that  the Official Pickleball rules apply which I‚m assuming is the USAPA and IFP  rules found at:


In  Mr. Lefaives‚ email he states that all players and all paddles are welcome.   That statement  therefore contradicts the position you advertise on  your poster and I‚m confused by the contradiction.  Could you  clarify?

As a member of the Board of Directors for Pickleball Canada I  have long taken the position that the inclusion of the Apike and Hush paddles  into tournament play provides an unfair advantage to players who chose to use  those paddles.  The USAPA has banned the use of the Apike and Hush  paddles in their sanctioned tournaments and I‚m surprised that any bona fide  tournament committee would chose to allow them in tournament play.  

Of course each tournament committee must decide for themselves  which set of rules they intend on applying to their tournament.  It might  be wise to clarify your poster to avoid any misrepresentation.  

If you do chose to follow the „Official Pickleball Rules‰ I  would whole heartedly recommend to my fellow players here in South Surrey,  Cloverdale and Abbotsford that they participate in your tournament.  I  myself would enjoy playing but have made it a personal rule never to play in  tournaments where Apike or Hush paddles are allowed.  I look forward to  your response.


Colin  Caldwell

I will post any reply I may receive.

Abbotsford Pickleball Tournament

The Abbotsford Recreation Centre will be holding their annual tournament on July 9, 2011.  This is a NON-APIKE HUSH Paddle Tournament using IFP Rules.  Contact Shirley Shepherd at shirleyshepherd@shaw.ca for further information or registration information.